- 美感教育的影響力
- 創意教案與活化教學
- 美感教育與教師社群
- 美感教育與文化資源
- 美感教育的多元評量
- 第一階段收件
- 收件資訊:300至500字的中文摘要或其他分享類型企劃說明,與5個關鍵字,以word格式附件傳送至電子信箱:aeconference.tnua@gmail.com。信件主旨請註明「【研討會投件】發表形式」,信件內文請寫明「題目、作者姓名、工作單位、聯絡電話、e-mail、教學領域」)。
- 資料審查:收件期限為2016年2月29日止。所有摘要或企劃說明將交由委員進行審查,預計於2016年3月22日在網站公布錄取結果,並以電子郵件通知投件者。
- 第二階段收件
- 收件資訊:論文全文(7000字以內)、工作坊企劃書、影片電子檔案(5-10分鐘)或教案。
- 收件期限:2016年5月16日。
2016 Internation Conference -Aesthetic Edcuation
Call for papers and workshops
12-13 July 2016 at the Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan
After two years of leading an aesthetic education project which is funded by Ministry of Education, Taiwan, Taipei National University of the Arts would like to invite research findings or professional practice experiences in aesthetic education to explore the following themes:
- Influences of Aesthetic Edcuation
- Creative Lesson Plans and Renewal Teaching
- Aesthetic Edcuation and Professional Learning Community
- Aesthetic Edcuation and Cultural Resources
- Multiple Evaluations of Aesthetic Edcuation
Guidelines for paper presentation and workshop proposals:
1. All proposals are to be submitted via email as an attachment and should include less than 300 word abstract and keywords.
2. Please state "paper presentation or workshop" as email subject, and include the following information in the email: title of the paper or workshop, name of presenters, affiliations and contact information.
3. Email to: aeconference.tnua@gmail.com
4. Submission deadline:
29 February 2016. All proposal abstracts will be reviewed by a panel, and the result of submission will be published on
22 March 2016 on the conference website and notified via email.
5. Final paper (3,000-4,000 words) or workshop detail plan should be submitted by
16 May 2016.
Please see
http://ae.tnua.edu.tw/ for details.